The Brookings Institution Publishes In-depth Educate! Case Study

This spring Educate! was featured in a foundational new report by the Brookings Institution called Millions Learning: Scaling up quality education in developing countries, which tells the story of where and how effective learning interventions have scaled up around the world. Recently released as a continuation of that project, the new Millions Learning case studies provide an in-depth look at 12 of the programs and policies explored in the report.

Alongside case studies of other highly innovative education organizations such as Sesame Street, Teach for All, and Pratham, Educate!'s case studyhighlights the most important lessons learned from the Brookings Institution's exploration of our organization. Specifically, Educate! is noted for our strategy of designing for massive scale from the start, our deep commitment to rigorous monitoring and evaluation, and our high-level partnerships with Ministries of Education to reform entire education systems. 

Check out the case study here.