Listen to our course on launching an enterprise and start earning money today!


Session 1:
How Leaders & Entrepreneurs Solve Problems in Their Communities

In this introduction to the Educate! curriculum, we are learning to use the Passion Match tool! Passion matching helps us act as leaders in our communities so that we can identify local problems and discover the tools we already have to solve them!

Session 2:
Having a Vision to Create the Solution

In this episode, we are talking about the importance of having a vision. Leaders and entrepreneurs can solve problems by identifying challenges, setting goals, and committing to action steps to make a vision into reality!

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Session 3:
Customer Research

In this episode, we will give you a new tool that you can use to understand what your customers want so you can make a more profitable product!

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Session 4:
Product Distribution: How to Reach Your Target Market During COVID-19

In this episode, we will look at different possibilities for how you can distribute your products most effectively, and how marketing practices have been disrupted by COVID-19.

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Session 5:
Marketing Innovation: Thinking Differently About Business

In this episode, we talk about ways you can modify what you sell so that it stands out from the competition and you can make a bigger profit!