We've created a 100-hour experience that delivers the most essential skills youth need to transition to work, combining training, mentorship, and practical experience starting a business.

We deliver this experience to youth in 3 ways.

All three delivery channels have been validated by several independent evaluations



We deliver workforce readiness, entrepreneurship, and 21st century skills training directly in schools.

Our experiential in-school models teach and give youth the opportunity to practice hard business skills (like opportunity identification and business planning) and soft/ transferable skills (like critical thinking and collaboration) within existing secondary schools.

Learn more about our School Solution in Uganda.

Education System Solutions

We partner with governments to support the integration of evidence-based skills education into national education systems and invest in the continued assessment of this approach.

When requested by national education systems, we work together to integrate proven, practical hands-on experiences into secondary education curricula and pedagogy and continue to evaluate its effectiveness in improving youth life outcomes. This data-driven education reform is the most cost-effective way governments can make a large-scale, sustainable impact on millions of young people.

Read more about our engagement with the Ugandan, Rwandan, and Kenyan governments. 

Out-of-School Youth Solutions

We’re creating industry-specific (agriculture, tourism) and group-specific (girls, literacy catch-up) bootcamps to equip out-of-school youth with the skills to successfully transition to quality employment.

These models offer youth who can’t access traditional secondary school an affordable education-to-employment pathway. Our bootcamps aim to provide youth with a relevant and directly applicable skills-based education, even if they can’t afford to attend high school.

Learn more about our Out-of-School Youth Solutions.


Educate!’s solutions are designed to deliver sustainable, lasting change for the greatest number of young people by partnering with youth, schools, and national education systems.